
is an approach to fuse the 3 ecologies of a healthy, happy and harmonious life: Personal, Social, and Natural.
We will play in the realms of Body, Spirit and Ideas for personal ecology, the realm of Relationships for social ecology and the realm of Realization for natural ecology.

Personal Ecology

The Realm of Body, Ideas & Spirit
Designing your healthy, happy and harmonious life.
Fulfilment, Wonder, Joy, Bliss

Social Ecology

The Realm of Relationships
Discovering the opportunities for magical relationships at the intersections of health and happiness, happiness and harmony and harmony and health.

Natural Ecology

The Realm of Realizations
Discovering and managing the resources to regenerate your life, your home, your work and our planet.

Because Life Is Noisy...

We need a trustworthy filter to sort through the rubbish!
Is it: The politicians? The news? The media? The gossip? The voice in our head? NO WAY!
Our One True Filter Is Our Heart.
Heartscaping is the journey designed to uncover your heart’s message, use it’s filter and design a heart centered transformation in your life, relationships and contribution to the planet. Start with an hour heartmapping session, evolve into mindsetting and visioneering over 2 weeks or commit to longer term and deep transformation with your heartscape architect and personalized program tailored specifically to you and your Big Hairy Audacious goals for your life, relations and planet. Let’s Play

Uncover the ideas, dreams and big, audacious goals hiding inside your heart.

  • Co-creating personal well-being that blends care for our planet and search for meaning, joy and fulfillment.

  • Blending the art and science of design with powerful coaching to help you get unstuck, map out your ideas and take action!

  • Through guided and creative questions we will uncover exciting insights, resulting in one of the most valuable hours of your life.

  • Let’s jump on a complimentary Zoom call and not only explore, but mindmap, your heart’s message..and Heartscape the new you!

Heartscaping: The 5 Steps

Are you ready to uncover the next chapter of your story?

Then I would like to invite you to join me on a journey of discovery. Let’s go and do a complimentary zoom call to explore and uncover ideas, dreams and big, audacious goals hiding inside your heart.

The Heartscaping Journey


Uncovering and Exploring your Heart’s Hidden Gems during our 1 hour recorded zoom call.
  • Instantaneous Illustration of your Ideas Dreams and Challenges
    You’ll be able to see your dreams and goals in a new light. Heartmapping can help you to better understand your ideas and identify any potential challenges.
  • Finding Clarity through Guided Exploration and Mapping
    Our goal is to provide you with a safe and supportive space where you can explore your inner self and make positive changes in your life.
  • Creating a MindMap Poster, that can help you see the big picture
    By mapping out your inner landscape, you’ll be able to identify patterns that may be holding you back and create a plan to overcome them.


Each Heartscaping Path Session will last for at least 1 hour


  • Resetting Your Mind For Success
    You’ll work with one of our trained coaches to identify limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that may be holding you back. Then, you’ll learn strategies to replace them with positive and empowering thoughts.


  • Co-Creating Your Action Plan
    We will be able to create a clear and actionable plan that will help you make positive changes in your life. Whether you’re looking to improve your career, relationships, or overall wellbeing


  • You can decide between 3, 6 or 12 Months of Insightful Sessions
  • Each Session is Tailored to You
  • We will dive deep to Uncover Powerful Insights that will Change Your World
  • Count on Consulting, Coaching, Mentoring

Your Transformation Guide

Michael Hubicki

Heartscape Architect to guide you along your heartscaping journey