Michael Hubicki

Your Heartscape Architect
I introduce places and people to their potential…. For 30 years, I helped build cities and towns. Now, I’m helping to uncover the ideas, dreams and goals hiding inside your heart…and Heartscape the new you. We all want to end up in an amazing place…What’s that place for you and do you know how to get there? I can help.
Certified High Performance Coach and Masters Degree in Coaching Education
16 years of experience working with local governments, business leaders, high-performing athletes, and professionals. Using mindmapping, inside-out coaching, gamification and team-building strategies to get great results. Founder of Project Coach.

Let’s Play!
Landscape Architect, MLA
31 Years melding the art & science of design in public
My vision is to help leaders and their teams thrive while they improve the quality of living for as many people as possible. Design thinking is a powerful framework I use in my coaching practice as well…helping clients visualize their dreams, outcomes and future.
Award-Winning Designer
Canadian National Energy Efficiency Award
A pioneer in healthy homes, energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. Received the Canadian National Energy Efficiency Award for New Homes and the Ontario Association of Landscape Architect’s Award for Service to the Environment and numerous project awards.
Living Through a Stewardship Lens
Care of Oneself, One’s Community and Our Planet
In all aspects of our lives, it is critical that we be aware of our personal ecology. Balance of our inner and outer self is the key to successful leadership, as well as sustaining a happy and fulfilled life while caring for our planet and others. Together we can co-create your personal well being, blending your intrinsic care for our planet and search for meaning, joy and fulfillment.
Each beat of our heart brings us closer to understanding the immense potential that lies within ourselves and in the world around us.
We are here to help transform your life through sessions that will explore your being and to capture goals that are heart-centered. Heartscaping can guide you towards a better understanding of yourself and your potential.